Sunday, August 27, 2006

Capilano Suspension Bridge

Oh, my! Abby and I were all for going to the Capilano Suspension Bridge (200+ feet above a gorge) in North Vancouver. All was fine until I reached the center of the suspension bridge where -- did I mention how the bridge s-w-a-y-s back and forth when there are hordes of people on it -- I desperately wanted to curl up in a ball and have someone carry me to the other side. But, I just asked Eric to come back so he was in front on me, and thus managed to get to the other side. The other side was really the most fun since there were smaller suspension bridges strung between the monumentally tall trees (spruces, I guess) to create the best treehouse scenario ever! I felt like I was 10 years old again...really fun scampering about the tree tops.


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